Just like everyone I often am not happy. As I've gotten older I've learned the life lesson that if I want to be happy and in a good state of mind at all times I have to be doing things that bring joy in my life and actively seek out such experiences on a daily basis.
I spent many years of my life not doing this and as a result spent long amounts of time not being happy. Unfortunately there is a lot in life that we can not control, but there are choices that we can make, cause and effect, which is why I believe in free will over fate. As I've gotten older I've had to relearn about myself to discover what really puts me in a good mental state.
I am always trying to turn up the volume on my life. For me that does not mean having raw sex with a bunch of guys or smoking meth, trying to push the limits of what my body can do and going into all out sex hysteria. For me turning up the volume on my life means always doing things that make me happy and bring joy into my life.
I often see people struggling, not getting what they want or not going anywhere in life. I often feel that way myself, but the truth is I can't keep waiting to start my life and there is always an option for happiness in the mean time. My life went on a sharp downward spiral when I turned 22 and I haven't really felt or been the same since then. I feel like I've been hibernating since then, trying to preserve the vestiges of what I had and was for a better time... but that time doesn't ever come, which means the time to turn up the volume is yesterday...
Which is why I often to suggest to people that they turn up the volume on their lives as well.
GoodnessGenomics & Cell Recycling
æ ∞ -æ, a hot new concept in cell biology & the emerging lyfe extension industry (an equation based on balance)
turning up the volume on one's life
5/14/2011 02:01:00 PM