Antiretroviral Drugs Can Prevent HIV in Men Who Have Sex With Men, Study Shows
Stem Cells from Amniotic Fluid: Reprogrammed Amniotic Fluid Cells Can Generate All Types of Body Cells
Early Universe Was a Liquid, Nuclei Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider Show
Brightest ever 'starburst' spotted in space after two huge galaxies collide
Revolutionary stem cells treatment that could cure blindness to be tested on humans for the first time
The glue made from genetically-modified bacteria that can knit cracks in concrete back together
GoodnessGenomics & Cell Recycling
æ ∞ -æ, a hot new concept in cell biology & the emerging lyfe extension industry (an equation based on balance)
les nouvelles
11/23/2010 04:42:00 PM
Tags: cell biology, evolution, HIV, material science, microbiology, physics, public health, regenerative medicine, stem cells, universe