I'm not going to lie, I spent many years of my life being miserable and contemplating suicide on a daily basis. I am a lot better now! Pain never goes away, but time really does dull it. My new year's resolution is to be a lot more active. I have been a lot more social and active than ever before, yet I still feel like I need to turn up the volume on my life! To a lesser extent, my new years resolution is to be more mysterious and disclose a lot less. My mouth has always had a tendency to get me into trouble.
I've had more money which has contributed to this happiness. I'm not stuck not being able to do anything, I'm able to show out as much as I want and tip everyone really well. That's the thing about money that I was never able to do- be greedy and try to hold onto it for myself.
For the holidays me and my gay bff partied every single day for 11 days in a row. I feel really comfortable in Castro and other party atmospheres. They are kind of like a home away from home, and they do give me the feeling of family- a shared experience can be very comforting.
When I am active I have energy to do all that I intend to. Sometimes being fit can be scary, just because my mind and body are not used to being able to go as hard and as long as they can.
New Years I went to a fat underground party which would have been amazing except it got broken up at midnight. Lucky for me right after arriving I'd met a guy who I'd seen out at badlands many times. I kissed him on new years then brought him home, we spent the next two days together and I'm really feeling him. I'd seen him around many times and wanted to say hi but I was shy, even though I'm not a shy person.
GoodnessGenomics & Cell Recycling
æ ∞ -æ, a hot new concept in cell biology & the emerging lyfe extension industry (an equation based on balance)
Happy 2011
1/04/2011 02:40:00 PM